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With so many new developments in the field of cardiovascular medicine happening every day, it is important for you and your family to keep abreast of the latest healthcare news.

Here, you will find the latest healthcare news and information as it relates to the many different types of heart disease, prevention, treatments, and research. For more information, always consult your physician.

Heart Risk Prediction May Improve with Calcium CT Scan

July 2010 - Using a computed tomography (CT) test to measure calcium in coronary arteries helps predict a person's future heart disease, a new study finds.

Heart Disease Plus ED May Raise Risk for Death

June 2010 - A new study published in Circulation shows that men with both cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction (ED) have a higher risk for a host of heart problems, including death.

A Happy Mind May Equal a Healthy Heart

May 2010 - People who experience joy, happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment have what's called a positive affect. It's been linked with living longer and a having a lower risk for diabetes and high blood pressure.

Even Mild Lung Disease Hurts the Heart

April 2010 - Past evidence has shown that severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can damage the heart. But a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that even mild COPD affects heart function.

After Heart Attack, Quit Smoking to Live Longer

March 2010 - A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that it's never too late to quit smoking. Even after a heart attack, quitting can boost your long-term survival odds compared to those who don't quit.

Good Cholesterol Levels May Help Prevent Heart Failure

February 2010 - New research published in the journal Circulation suggests that unhealthy cholesterol levels can affect your risk for heart failure, a serious condition that occurs when the heart can't pump enough blood throughout the body.

Heart Disease: Few Americans Are Out of Danger

January 2010 -When it comes to the factors that put people at greatest risk for heart disease, few Americans today can say that they are in the clear.

For Your Heart's Sake, Get a Flu Shot

December 2009 - In an article published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases, researchers report that deaths from heart disease and heart attack are higher during flu season. But getting a flu shot may help lower the risk of dying from heart disease or having a heart attack.

No Amount of Cigarettes Is Safe for Your Heart

November 2009 - Research has shown that smoking cigarettes, as well as being exposed to secondhand smoke, raises risk for heart disease. But what is the difference in the effect of a little versus a lot of smoke? A new study published in the American Heart Association's medical journal, Circulation, found that even small amounts of smoke are linked to the steepest increases in risk for death from heart disease.

Boost Your Health with Active Commuting

October 2009 - If you're tired of sitting in rush hour traffic, a new study offers motivation to pedal or walk your way to work instead. Researchers analyzed the commuting habits of more than 2,300 men and women. They found that close to 17 percent were active commuters-those who walked or biked for at least part of their commute.  These active commuters were more physically fit than those who didn't use foot power. The active men in particular were less likely to be overweight and had healthier triglyceride, blood pressure, and insulin levels-all factors that cut heart disease risk.

Veggies and Grains Help Lower Blood Pressure

September 2009 - In the medical journal Circulation, researchers report a way to help lower blood pressure, and it may be as easy as eating more vegetables and grains.

Time Widens for Giving Clot-Busting Drug for Stroke

August 2009 - An advisory committee of the American Stroke Association/American Heart Association has issued a recommendation that the window of time for tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) therapy be opened much wider. The advisory appears in the medical journal Stroke.

Heart Failure Creates Needs for Patient and Caregiver

July 2009 - People with heart failure, and those who care for them, want more attention paid to their psychological needs, a new study finds.

Protect Heart with Low Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

June 2009 - The tightest control of the major risk factors for heart disease seems to provide the greatest protection against cardiovascular problems, says a study reported in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Abnormal Heart Rhythm May Be Predicted By Risk Score

May 2009 - Weighing a combination of risk factors could help doctors predict which patients are the most likely to develop atrial fibrillation, says a study reported in the medical journal Lancet.

Echocardiography a Valuable View of the Heart

April 2009 - The advanced imaging technique called contrast echocardiography can have a significant impact on the diagnosis and treatment of people hospitalized with heart disease, says a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Arteries May Clear of Calcium Deposits with Extra Sleep

March 2009 - A good night's sleep may be just what your arteries need, says a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Heart Health Includes Vitamin D

February 2009 - A lack of vitamin D, which is absorbed primarily through exposure to sunlight, helps boost the risk of heart attacks and strokes, new research finds.

New Type of Artery Stent Shows Promise

January 2009 - A new generation of stents shows promise in avoiding the late-onset problems that have plagued drug-eluting stents in patients with heart disease, researchers say. The findings come from two European studies presented at the annual scientific meeting of the American Heart Association.

Drug-Coated Stents Best for Some after Heart Attack

December 2008 - Drug-coated stents are more effective than the bare metal kind for people who have heart attacks, says a study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Better Long-Term Outcomes with Medications versus Angioplasty

November 2008 - There are some advantages to artery-opening angioplasty over medication treatment for people with heart disease, but those advantages disappear within three years, according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Heart Failure Hospital Admissions Continue to Rise

October 2008 - The number of Americans admitted to hospitals for heart failure has jumped in recent years, and the trend almost certainly will continue, says a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Silent Strokes Different than TIAs, Experts Say

September 2008 - If you are an older American with no major health problems, chances are about one in 10 that you have had a stroke and did not know it, according to a report in the medical journal Stroke.

Some Fats Actually May Help the Heart

August 2008 - Fewer than half of Americans realize there are two types of dietary fat that actually help their hearts, a new survey shows.

Heart Disease in Men Linked to Teen Years

July 2008 - Normal developmental changes during the teenage years leave young adult men at higher risk of heart disease than their female counterparts, researchers report in the journal Circulation.

Heart Failure a Concern for Non-Cardiac Surgeries

June 2008 - Older persons with heart failure face heightened odds of complications and death after non-cardiac surgeries, according to a study reported in the medical journal Anesthesiology.

Triglycerides Linked to Risk for Heart Disease

May 2008 - High levels of triglycerides are strong predictors of cardiac trouble and this strengthens the case for including measurement of the blood fats in prevention programs, says a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Surgery Tops Stents for Multiple Heart Blockages

April 2008 - Bypass surgery provides a lower risk of death and heart attacks than stents for people with blockages of at least two heart arteries, says a report in the New England Journal of Medcine.

Restless Legs Syndrome and Heart Disease Linked

March 2008 - Persons with restless legs syndrome, called RLS, face twice the risk of a stroke or heart disease compared to people who do not have the neurological condition, says a report in the journal Neurology.

Take a Mini-Stroke Seriously, Seek Medical Attention

February 2008 - Physicians call them transient ischemic attacks, but they are more commonly known as "mini-strokes." But make no mistake - they can be deadly.

Winter Months Bring Elevated Blood Pressure, Experts Say

January 2008 - It turns out blood pressure has a chill factor: Hypertension is harder to control in colder weather, according to experts at a recent meeting of the American Heart Association.

Archived News, August 2005 to December 2007

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